Scooping Weekends only during Fall, Winter & Spring.
I Scream, You Scream… for Local Ice Cream
Despite the well-established fact that we all scream for local ice cream, we’ve found ice-cream eaters to be an exceptionally low key bunch. Maybe because their mouths are full of ice cream. It’s awfully hard to yell when that Local Yodeler’s Cookies ‘N Cream ice cream has taken up its temporary residence in your mouth. Still, we understand the sentiment. … Read More
Ice Cream for Breakfast. We Say Why Not!
In just two days, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day is officially celebrated. And we say why not! The holiday is celebrated on the first Saturday in February. Invented on a snowy winter day in the 1960s by Florence Rappaport in Rochester, New York. The mother to six children, it was her youngest two, Ruth (now Kramer) and Joe Rappaport, who inspired her on a cold and snowy February morning. … Read More