It’s National Strawberry Ice Cream Day!

HVCreameryWhat's Churning?

National Strawberry Ice Cream Day

Here in Harmony, when there’s a holiday that fits us as perfectly as National Strawberry Ice Cream Day, you know we have to shout it from the rooftops!


January 15th is National Strawberry Ice Cream Day, and while it may seem like an odd day to celebrate an ice cream- with it being in the chill of winter for much of the rest of the country- it’s actually kind of perfect, because Presidents’ Day follows right after in February, and did you know that strawberry ice cream was served at James Madison’s second inauguration in 1813?

Strawberry ice cream has a rich history, and it also has roots right here in California, because the Golden State produces 80% of the country’s fresh strawberries, according to the University of California Cooperative Extension. Approximately 22,000-25,000 acres of our state are dedicated to growing strawberries each year- four times any other state- producing an average of 1.5 billion pounds- that’s a LOT of strawberry ice cream!

But never mind the numbers- if you’re as excited as we are about celebrating this “berry” sweet holiday, visit your local grocery store and pick up some Harmony Valley Creamery School’s Out Strawberry Ice Cream and celebrate National Strawberry Ice Cream Day with us! Our creamy berry blend has just the right amount of tart and sweet- thanks to those authentic California strawberries- to tickle your tastebuds and make you feel like school’s just let out for the summer.

If you want to really celebrate in style, try our School’s Out Strawberry Ice Cream as the filling for this Strawberry Ice Cream Pie, or as the star ingredient in this Yummy Strawberry Shake.

Check out our Where to Buy page to find the Harmony Valley Creamery supplier closest to you.  If you local market doesn’t carry our Udderly Awesome craft ice cream, be sure to ask them to.

Oh, and in case we forgot to say it, HAPPY NATIONAL STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM DAY!!
