Ranking 5 fun foods at the Mid-State Fair


Of course ice cream is a “fun food”, but getting an “A” grade from the SLO Tribune during the 2016 California Mid-Sate Fair only confirms what we already knew:  Harmony Valley Creamery ice cream is “Udderly Awesome.” Read the full article here.


Rebuilding the Little Ol’ Town of Harmony


We’re always eager to share the history of our town with locals and visitors alike, and even more excited to share our big plans for rebuilding it. New Times stopped by to hear our story and spread the word about what’s to come! Read the full article here.


We’ve Got Big Plans for This Tiny Town


We’re proud of our small-town quirk that’s survived into the high-tech age, and we sure love it when visitors from every which way come to see it themselves. The Sacramento Bee stopped by to get a taste of our history and hear about the big plans we’ve got in the works—you can read the full article here!


Mooooooving On Up


At the California Mid-State Fair, we talked to more folks every few minutes than there are in our whole town! The Cambrian caught up with us to hear about our big plans—read all about it here.


Stop By During Your 36 Hours in San Luis Obispo!


We may be a small town, but that’s not stopping us from getting a mention from the New York Times! Harmony is featured as a spot to see in 36 Hours in San Luis Obispo, and we couldn’t be happier to see word about this one-block wonder making it to the big city!
